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are you an aggressive driver?
Traffic congestion is on the rise — and so are tempers. In fact, the number of drivers who reported feeling anger behind the wheel doubled between 2005 and 2013.

With the summer holidays approaching, Esurance is committed to helping keep drivers safe (and calm) on the road. Learn how to handle aggressive drivers ... and see if you're one too.
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warm weather means hot motorcycles
Summer is motorcycle season — and also the peak season for motorcycle theft. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, 50 percent of the bikes stolen in 2012 were lifted between May and September.

The most common targets for theft are models with street-racing capabilities, but bikes in general are easier to steal than cars because they tend to lack anti-theft technologies. Find out how protect your bike.

And, of course, to ensure you're protected in case of theft, damage, or bodily injury, make sure you have the right motorcycle coverage.
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